How Much Time Will it Take for Enlightenment?


How to progress further to have enlightenment? How much time will it take for enlightenment?

—Abhishek Deshmukh, India


Dear Abhishek,

The path to enlightenment begins with our sincere effort and is unique to each of us. Some are born into a spiritually minded family. Others have an awakening as an adult, early or late in life. One often progresses through books and lesser teachers with the influence of friends and acquaintences. The teachings of India and, in fact, the actual example throughout the world, shows the need for a guru (by that or some other word-name). A true guru is more than just a swami or priest or a wise person.

A true guru knows God and has the power to transmit that experience to those who have shown themselves ready and worthy of it. Such souls, sat gurus, are rare but their vibration is partially transmitted through their teachings and especially through living disciples who are in tune. A true (sat) guru only accepts as disciples those who are ready. The sat guru should be seen as God in human form; not limiting God to any form, but as present and being transmitted through the sat guru who is, as Jesus put it, “one with the Father (Brahma).”

So you must go step by step following your intuition or even common sense. Don’t imagine the guru can be found by traveling here and there in search. “When the disciple is ready, the guru will appear.” Prepare yourself through right attitude, right action and devotional self-offering. Have faith that your karma and magnetism is what will draw to you the inspiration and instruction that you need when you are ready for it.

We here at Ananda worldwide are disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda and the lineage that sent him (Jesus Christ, Babaji-Krishna, Lahiri Mahasaya and Swami Sri Yukteswar). Our founder, Swami Kriyananda, was a direct disciple personally trained and commissioned by Yogananda. Ananda acharyas are present in all of our centers in India, Europe and the United States. With today’s internet, we can share with students wherever they live and we have many offerings, classes, and satsangs online as well as in person where we have centers.

May the Light of the Infinite Christ-Krishna be your guide,
Nayaswami Hriman