I Keep Wavering Between Two Paths


Good day. There are two paths that I keep wavering between. For 10 years I have not been able to live without the path of Kriya, nor without the pagan, Nordic one. I don't worship the Norse gods. I see them more as archetypes that serve as examples for me. There are always strong times when I do more Kriya and listen to Ananda music. Then again I am more concerned with pagan philosophy and music. My heart and mind need both. Like a balance. Is this okay? I feel that there is ONE energy.

—Marcel, Deutschland


Dear Marcel,

Yours is a curious situation. In such cases, however, ask Yogananda and the kriya masters for guidance. It’s not as if they have any exclusive claims. Their concern is only your spiritual growth. Yet they have appeared in our lives in the current modern era bringing the eternal, timeless and ancient teachings of yore into clear focus for our times.

I would imagine that the qualities to which you are attracted in the ancient archetypes can also be found in the kriya lineage but this should come from within you as you are obviously open to guidance in the question.

Different masters and deities share the eternal high teachings yet express them in their “day” as different rates of vibration, attuned to the needs of the day. As a yogi I would naturally wonder if perhaps the Nordic archetypes represent a past life to which you were deeply devoted. Perhaps in this life you are simply moving forward in a new direction.

Meditate and pray on this question and you will receive inner guidance.

May the light of wisdom guide your soul’s journey to inner freedom!

Nayaswami Hriman