I Saw a Dark Entity Around My Sister. Do I Tell Her?


I saw a negative entity twice in my dream and I have reasons to believe she is attached to my sister. She mocked me in the past for spiritual experiences I shared with her, and I don’t think she will believe me. We are not in speaking terms anymore, what is my karmic duty to share what I saw?

—Nuni, usa

Dear Nuni,
In this case, your go-to is prayer. Each day at the end of your meditation, visualize your sister surrounded by the light of her soul and especially surround her with the presence of Christ, one of the masters, or Divine Mother. With calm concentration chant (aloud or mentally) AUM TAT SAT as you encircle her in that light.
If you know the Mahamityrunjaya mantra you might chant that three, nine or twelve times (108 is often suggested but that’s a lot). If your roots go more in the direction of Christian practice you might mentally address the entity saying “In the name of Christ, the Son of God, I command you to leave my sister!” Repeat that three or more times.
Say nothing to her but keep watch over her, observing her behavior for any signs of worsening or improving. Throughout the day you might stop and pray for her in a shortened version of these suggestions. Best not to speak of this concern to others, however, unless it is someone knowledgeable and not attached or related to you and your sister.
Blessings upon you both!
Nayaswami Hriman