Should I Meditate Facing North or East, or Would Northeast, too, Be Beneficial?


Hello, I was wondering how much difference it makes to face exactly east, or any of the other four directions, in order to reap their benefits.

For example, I’ve heard that it is beneficial to study facing the north east direction, if not just north or east, which are both not possible for me. Is it crucial to face exactly north, east, or northeast to gain a full effects of these directions, or does sitting, for example, at 30°, give you 1/3 north effect and 2/3 east effect?

Thanks a lot.

—Kenzo Cervoni, United States


Dear Kenzo,

The reason for facing east or north in meditation is that in this way you cooperate with the earth’s magnetism. It’s like setting your sails for a natural vibrational “wind”.

The earth generates a powerful magnetic field. Our body, on a subtle level, responds to it. Imagine a wind coming from the east (from the east arrive rays of illumination). Does it make sense to turn your sails 1/3 away? No, you’ll receive less.

From the north, it is taught, come rays that promote a consciousness of inner freedom. Again, imagine a wind. Does it make sense to turn your sails 1/3 away?

The traditionally recommended directions are aids to receive the natural, subtle magnetism, or “wind” from the Earth. So it’s useful to set your “sails” properly.

In short, nowhere in our Kriya teachings, or in the Scriptures, is it mentioned to sit, say, at 30° north, or something like that. It’s better to simply face north or east. Interestingly, Yogananda teaches that facing east helps us “to relax energy from the muscles and send it into the brain.”

In divine friendship,